
HIH Real Estate GmbH
Ericusspitze 1
20457 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 3282-30
Fax: +49 40 3282-3100

Managing Directors: Erik Marienfeldt, Jens Nietner, Dr. Peter Rentrop-Schmid
Commercial register: District Court of Hamburg HRB 50200, head office: Hamburg
VAT ID no.: DE 118512300

Supervisory authority for the companies:

City of Hamburg
Borough Council Office for Hamburg-Mitte
Consumer Protection Agency
Klosterwall 2
20095 Hamburg


Despite careful and regular content control we assume no responsibility for the contents of external links. The respective site publishers are solely responsible for the contents of linked sites.

Legal Notes

Terms of Use

While the internet pages of HIH Real Estate GmbH were compiled with the utmost care, errors cannot be ruled out. Please note that information provided on the internet pages of HIH Real Estate GmbH are general in nature, and do not take the specific needs of a given case into account. We assume no liability for the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information. This goes even for information on third-party websites that are referenced either via hyperlinks or some other kind of link.

Use of image material

Property images by Carsten Brügmann and Marc Hübner
Staff images by Thies Rätzke Photography und Licht Form Arte, Michaela Kuhn

Concept, design und production:

STERN GmbH, Wiesbaden,